CrossFit Prototype , Integrated Martial Arts – CrossFit

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Front Squat (12 min to find 3 RM )

Prog 1 v.1 (No Measure)

12 min EMOM

10 Cal row

12 Burpees

14 KBS (53/35lb) (70/44lb Rx+)


Min 1- 10 cal row

Min 2- 10 burpees

Min 3- Rest… repeat if they can do KBS, 10 KBS

*This workout is going to be progressively building each week, adding a round per week for 4 weeks. Please record time it takes to complete each round as this will be a tracking method for intensity purposes in note section

*If programmed volume was done as Rx, hit Rx button with no other measure other than times in notes