Prototype Training Systems (CrossFit Prototype) – CrossFit


Partner Test 1 (CFAQ 2023) (3 Rounds for time)

20 minute running clock:

Score each section for TIME (break up with partner however you want)

3 rounds for time of:

2 x 25-ft dumbbell walking lunge (hang position)-50ft total

20 toes-to-bars (Mod-knee to chest or Leg lifts)

Immediately followed by:

2 rounds for time of:

2 x 25-ft dumbbell walking lunge (rack position)-50ft total

15 chest-to-bar pull-ups (Mod-Pull up or Ring Row)

Immediately followed by 1 round for time of:

2 x 25-ft dumbbell walking lunge (overhead position)-50ft total

10 bar muscle-ups (Mod-C2B, Pull up or Ring row)

Women Rx-2 x 35-lb dumbbells (2 DB’s)

Men Rx- 2 x 50-lb dumbbells (2 DB’s)

*If you complete this under 20 minutes, rest the remaining time before going into Test 2A

*Time score is where the clock is at after you finish each section

Partner Test 2A (CFAQ 2023) (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10-minute AMRAP (alternating rounds)


9 Sit-ups

12 box jumps (Mod-Step ups)

Women-24-inch box

Men- 30-inch box


Immediately following Test 2A, as a team, you will have a TOTAL of 8 minutes to EACH establish a:

1-rep-max clean (power or squat)
*alternate rd’s with partner (partner 1 completes a full round, then partner 2 goes)

Clean (EACH partner establishes a

1-rep-max clean (power or squat))


Immediately following Test 2A, as a team, you will have a TOTAL of 8 minutes to EACH establish a:

1-rep-max clean (power or squat)