1.) Share your CrossFit Prototype experience and fitness journey 
Growing up I played random sports here and there, but nothing too serious. I played ice hockey in high school and was pretty average (but I’d love to get back into it someday). After college, I mostly ran to “stay in shape.” One of my good friends started doing Crossfit after she had her first baby and told me she thought I’d like it, so I went to an intro class and was hooked! I started at Commonwealth Crossfit in Cambridge and was there for about 6 months until we moved to Dedham, where I was at CrossFit Florian for 3 years, and then we made the move out here and I found Prototype. I had never lifted a weight before Crossfit, and I love being able to see how far I’ve come since the start, and also after having my first baby and going through back surgery. I have never done anything else that has made me feel as fit as I do in Crossfit!
What I love about Crossfit is that we all have our strengths and weaknesses. We can’t all be awesome at all of the movements, so there is always something you can improve on, so it never gets boring. I both love and hate that I can crush a pull-up workout one day, and be terrible at the rowing one the next day. From the top of the leader board to the bottom. Both of those feelings keep me coming back!
2.) What is your favorite part about being at CFP?
The people! CFP’s atmosphere and energy really stand out for me. The community of people to chat with pre and post wod, and who encourage me through a grueling workout, are amazing! It’s so great to move to a new town and instantly have a group of people who have my back. I was in awe of people’s generosity when I had back surgery last year – people who didn’t know me that well, but took the time to send a card or bring a meal to me and my family, was incredible.
Another big thing that stands out at CFP is the coaching. No matter how long you’ve been Crossfitting, the coaches are always watching your form to make sure you’re doing the movements right. I haven’t seen this in all of the gyms I’ve been to, and it’s so important!
3.) What are your hobbies and activities?
Right now life is pretty much taken over by my 2 1/2 year old, Mia, and soon to be baby boy. I love being outside and going to the beach. I also love to bake, which I have done a lot less of since babies!
4.) How has (if it has) CFP helped you outside the gym (in sports etc)?
I would say #1 is confidence. I was not a confident kid growing up, and I see now how important confidence is to help me be successful in whatever I pursue. Crossfit has allowed me to be confident and more comfortable in my own skin, and I think it’s helped me in all areas of my life, including my job and my relationships with friends and family.
CrossFit has also taught me a lot about my own strength and resilience. I feel like every time I’m hitting my peak in terms of strength and abilities, something changes. I got pregnant. Had a back injury (from the pregnancy) that led to surgery to fix a herniated disc. Got pregnant again. Each time, I’ve been able to work back to feeling strong and fit again, no matter how long it takes. I think that’s such an important lesson to learn, because many people just give up when that something changes, whether it’s an injury, losing a job, going through tough personal times. Life isn’t always going to be smooth and easy, and I believe what’s most important is how you react and move forward through the tough times.
5.) What are you continuing fitness goals to this point?
Immediate goals: keep moving and do what I can while this baby grows bigger in my belly!
Post baby goals: Take each day as it comes and do my best to get to the gym as often as I do now. Remind myself that it will take time to get back into a gym routine given the unpredictability of a new baby and to get back to where I was pre-baby, and that’s ok!
My next big goals are butterfly pull-ups, efficient bar muscle ups, and ring muscle ups.
6.) Favorite Quote
Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.
***Attached a pic that was snapped the day I went into labor with Mia! Did Jackie that morning at 5:30am, and went into labor that night! 🙂