By: Mike Collette (Head Coach/Owner of CrossFit Prototype)
It’s that time of year and if you are like me you will be doing some traveling! Whether it’s a long weekend trip or you will be away for several weeks at a time, it’s important that you maintain that awesome routine you are in when your away from our fitness gym! Like I discussed in my last blog post (Stopping is easy, starting is not), it’s really easy to get out of the habit of exercising, but it’s a lot harder to pick it back up. Use this great resource that we have put together at CFP to keep you focused, helping you maintain your fitness and workout while you travel and away from your fitness trainer!
CrossFit Prototypes Travel WOD’s  (NOW THERE IS NO EXCUSE!!! : ) )

  1. 100 Burpees for time (try to get under 10 minutes!)
  2. Run 1 mile | 100 Burpees |100 Air Squats |100 Push ups | 100 sit ups | 100 walking lunges | Run 1 mile (unpartitioned Rx or partitioned)
    • Scaled version (800m run, 400m run; cut in half or in quarters; repeat for sets: 2 sets or 4 sets @ 1/2 reps or 1/4 rep volume; PARTITIONED)
  3. Run 1 mile |100 Burpees |200 push ups | 300 air squats |Run 1 mile ( “MURPH” with no Pull Ups)
  4. Tabatta anything (:20 sec on/ :10 Sec off, pick 4 EXERCISES and do this for 8 rounds, no rest between exercise transition)
      • Burpees, squat thrusts, bear crawls, burpee lunges, burpee air squats, air squats, pistol squats,lunges, split squats, push ups, mountain climbers, squat jumps, jumping jacks, jack knifes, hollow rocks, sit ups, planks, Run, bike, swim, row
      • These combinations are endless
  5. 10 Air squats, 10 sit ups, 10 push ups (20 Rounds for time)
  6. 5 Burpees, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats (AMRAP- 15-25 minutes)
  7. 10-1 (Burpee, Sit up, Squat jumps)
  8. 200m sprint- :30 rest (repeat 16 times)
  9. 400m sprint -1:00 rest (repeat 8 times)
  10. 100m sprint-:20 rest (repeat 20 times)
  11. 20 yd bear crawl, 20 push ups, 20 jumping jacks (8 rds for time)
  12. 1 min max reps: Burpees, Air Squats, Lunges, Sit Ups, Push ups; rest 1 min, repeat 3 rounds
    • Keep a 5 min clock running, no rest/transition rest between movements
  13. 3 min AMRAP: 6 pistol squats | 8 burpees | 10 Air Squats
    • Scale pistols to lunges
  14. 25 min AMRAP: 10 Rolling pistols | 50 ft HS walk | 30 hollow body rocks
  15. 10 rounds for time: 5 burpee broad jumps | 10 Pistol Squats | 15 Squat Jumps

Simple yet elegant short WODs compliments to Journal Menu
3 rds- 20 Air squats, 20 burpees, 20 push ups
3 rds- 50 sit ups, 400m
3 rds- Run 400m, 30 air squats, 30 push ups
3 rds- Run 1/2 mile, 50 air squats
3 rds- sprint 200m, 25 push ups
3 rds- 10 HSPU, 200m run
4rds- 25 jump squats, rest 1 min
4 rds- 10 vertical jumps, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups
5 rds- 3 vertical jumps, 3 squats, 3 long jumps
5 rds- 400m sprint/ 1:00 rest between rounds
5 rds- run 200m, 10 air squats, 10 push ups
5 rds- 30 second handstand, 20 air squats
10 rds- 10 push ups, 100m sprint
10 rds- 100m sprint, 1 min rest
10 rds- 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 air squats
10 rds, 10 walking lunges, 10 push ups
20 rds- 5 push ups, 5 air squats, 5 sit ups
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees & sit ups
21-15-9 air squats & push ups

Just remember, you can be your own piece of fitness equipment when you’re away from your fitness gym! You will be surprised the benefits of body weight exercises done correctly and performed at high intensities! If you need help this summer staying accountable or need specific programming, reach out to us! Our physical trainers are here to help you!

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