Introducing The Prototype Games

2015 CF Games Open
By: Mike Collette Head Coach/Owner of CrossFit Prototype
The Prototype Games is a simple concept that we thought up to bring even more value to the CFP community. We believe that fitness should be fun and we also believe that friendly competition creates camaraderie and strengthens communities. With that said, we bring you The Prototype Games. The Prototype Games combines the idea of the worldwide CrossFit Games Open concept along with the newly created CrossFit Games Team Series competition.
The Prototype Games will be a 5 week event. Each week  we will announce a WOD that you will perform to earn points. The catch: this is going to be a same gender partner style competition.
This is a CrossFit Prototype competition, it’s not a local competition or open to anyone else except our members at CFP. We will be programming the WODs, we will host a date to “throw down” and each WOD will be judged and scored appropriately. Scores will be submitted online similar to how The Open and Team Series were with a deadline of submission.

Similar to The Open, we will have an “announcement” date. Each WOD will be announced on Thursday night at 8pm. You will have until Tuesday at 5pm to complete the WOD. Each week we will announce what the WOD is going to be for that week. Will it be just 1 workout or multiple WODs? Well you will find out when it’s announced! Anything is possible. Will you need to do each WOD with your partner? You will find out at the announcement as well!

START DATE: Thursday January 14th 2016

END DATE: Tuesday February 16th 2016

THROWDOWN DATE: Every Saturday following the Thursday announcement

Similar to The CrossFit Open, there will be “Open athletes” and “Masters Athletes”.  Open athletes age range will be 16-39 years old. Master’s division stats at 40. Masters 1 will range from 40-54 and Masters 2 will range from 55+. If you are an “Open” athlete and partner with a “Master” you will be in the “Open” division, really simple. Divisions will further be broken down by gender. Since this is a Male/Male and Female/Female competition, this division’s are below:
Open Division:
Masters Division 1 (40-54):
Masters Division 2 (55+):
At the end of the 5 weeks and scores tallied, we will have 6 winners. Each team will choose a team name and that team name will be put on a banner which we will hang at CFP to announce the 1st Prototype Games Champions! We will potentially have weekly prizes for best performance of the week and also more prizes to give to the overall winners.

Rx or Scaled

Here is where most of the questions come when talking about signing up for competitions or competing: should I do Rx or scaled? So the cool thing at The Prototype Games is that there will be an Rx option and a Scaled option each week. You can choose whatever aligns most with your ability. Maybe you can do the pull up WOD but maybe not the double under WOD, you can choose Rx or scaled. Rx will automatically have a higher overall potential for points but it is worth more to do a WOD scaled then not to do it at all.
For example:
9 min AMRAP
10 pull ups
10 thrusters (95/65)
alternating rounds with partner
Scaled WOD
9 min AMRAP
10 Ring Rows
10 thrusters (75/45lb)
If this is a WOD where you can’t do pull ups, you might have to scale it, but if you can do the pull up’s but it will take you longer, then you should do it Rx. Utilize your coaches to help you make the best judgment.
This is going to be a fun event and we encourage everyone to do it!! Sign up sheet will be out in December along with pricing on signing up.