Aux Strength day:

Each set of movements will be a superset:

1.Waiters carries (down and back l then r) x3

L-sit on parellets or holding to bars –ME x3

2. TGU 3 each side heavy and slow x3

resistant ring rows make hard 3×10

3. Glute ham bridges 3×5 off bench

weighted ring dips 3×5


On a running clock


Begin at 0:00



Squat Clean 135/95



Begin at 20:00


4 Rounds for Time

21 Wall  Ball

15 KB Swing 2/1.5

9 strict HSPU


Begin at 45:00


3 Rounds

10 Power Snatch 135/95

20 Pistols (alternating) weighted 

30 Double Unders