Oly Skill:
15 mins of snatch class
then work up try to get to at least 90% of best
Barbell Tgu
10×1 each side working up (this will be up and down today)
Bulgarian Split squats 5×5 each side
Snatch grip RDL Rack pulls 5×5 (working up—get heavy on this
Friday fun
Start at 0:00
10 Rounds for Time
3 Muscle Ups
3 Strict Deficit Handstand Push Ups 4″/2″ (sclae as needed)
Start at 20:00
3 Rounds for Time
25 GHD Sit Ups
75 Double Unders
50 ft Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 165/110
Start at 40:00
Bodyweight Bench Press
500 M Row after each round of bench