Air Dyne:
10 rounds 30 on 30 off
Back squat:
7×4 working up (caitlin and erica use low box)
5×7 (jesse, dan, chris, Jillissa, Kelsey)
10×3 working up
6×6 (jesse, dan chris, Jillissa)
RDL- with a Pendlay grip (between clean and snacth) off a 6 inch raise (2 45lb plates)
4×7 working heavyish
Core Stability:
Strict Toe to Lsit hold 4 x 10
-sclaed down bend legs in and hold
– scaled up from L sit continue to bar
Weighted hip Extensions 4×10
Scaled up use bb
10×1  Heavy rack split stand ups (set up uinder bar in full split arms locked out and stand up like u were standing up heavy split jerk)