1.     Share you CrossFit Prototype experience and fitness journey
I came to CFP thru our companywide challenge five months ago.  At first, I was not serious about the program especially the first 2 months, it was ROUGH.  I was incredibly out of shape but I loved the intensity, the workout high, the sore muscles and the best stress outlet….  Now, I am hooked, I can’t wait to get back to the gym every Monday and I won’t give up my workout time for anything, not even shopping at the mall (during the lunch hour)!

2.) What is your favorite part about being at CFP?

There is nothing I don’t like about CFP, the coaches and the people really make a fun friendly community.  My favorite part is the feeling at the end of the WOD that I complete in time and I “kick butt”!!!!

3.) What are you hobbies and activities ?

My kids keep me very busy but when I have time, I enjoy cooking and baking with them.  I also like to knit for and with my little girl.

 4.) How has (if it has) CFP helped you outside the gym (in sports etc)?

It helps to reduce my stress and give me the boost of energy I need.  I am much calmer around my kids (that includes my husband), HA!.

 5.) What are you continuing fitness goals to this point?

Never thought I would sign myself up for the 2015 SUPERHERO SCRAMBLE and I DID!!!!!  My goal this year would be to prepare myself for the challenge.
6.) Favorite Quote

Don’t worry you’re not the first mom who’s ever thrown a towel over the peed-on sheets and gone back to bed!