18.2 AND 18.2a are in the books and here is our week 2 analysis of the 2018 #PrototypeOpen!
An impressive week to say the least as EVERYONE from both teams completed 18.2 and 18.2a!! In addition, we saw some great performances from the athletes on both team #KeepinItTeal and #BeardedBlueDragons!
As you all know, this week was unlike week 1 with a shorter burner of a ladder from 1-10 dumbbell squats and bar facing burpees along with a second element of a 1RM clean with a 12 min time cap! This allowed for the workout to be divided into two components being scored separately! This gave massive opportunity from athletes on both teams to make a big impact in Week 2.
*Side note: If you aren’t familiar with the CrossFit Open, the only other time there was a two part workout was in 2015 with 15.1 and 15.1a.
This week, #KeepinItTeal beat out #BeardedBlueDragons on both 18.2 and 18.2a scoring a total of 179 points while #BeardedBlueDragons totaled 168 total points. The 23 point lead from week 1 for #BeardedBlueDragons has been cut to just 12 points! With 3 more weeks to go, this is anyone’s game!
Big shout out to the top 10 performers in both the men’s and women’s divisions (see below) and also BIG shout out to this week’s Most Spirit, Hardest worker and Top performer award winners! These individuals receive an additional 5 points for their team! There were several nominations for each category this week and it was not an easy decision (we like it that way!).
Keep up the great work #CFPFamily and let us know your thoughts on what you think 18.3 will have in store! Let us know on Facebook and tag us in your predictions @crossfitprototype
18.2 Award winners:
Hardest Worker– Jessica Clancy
Most Spirit-Bill Arneth
Top Performer-Amy Castoldi
18.2 Men
18.2A Men
18.2 Women
18.2A Women
Mike Collette
Will Collins
Liz Mason
Bethany Farrar
Rob Dorretti
Mike Collette
Nicole Mohamed
Caitlin Pond
Garret St Onge
Brian Zancewicz
Amy Castoldi
Helene DesJardins
Tim Welch
Jeremiah L
Danielle Ward
Amy Castoldi
Bill Cooper
Garret St Onge
Caitlin Pond
Lisa Zancewicz
Dave Marcus
TJ allard
Lisa Zancewicz
Nicole Mohamed
Jon Collette
Joe Gries
Marissa P
Flavia Winslow
Bill Arneth
Robbi Dorretti
Abby French
Priscila Silva
Brent French
Bill Arneth
Sally Harwood
Rachel Sibley
Colin Lake
Mo Ahmed
Kim Cooper
Liz Mason
Team Name
Total Points
#BeardedBlue Dragons