Clean Complex:(all)
Full clean + below knee hang full clean (10×1 increasing at each if possible)
Dead Lifts:
straps are allowed to save hands
10×3 working up to heavy set
Skill: I will be coaching and helping people on this

Muscle up (either skill or do emom for 6 mins of 5 weighted or not mu)
if you can do multiple strict pu and ring dips we will skill if not you will be picking a number to EMOM for 8 of Eccentric Pu and eccentric ring dips
Razza will be doing stict of each due to his shoulder
Handstand work (against the wall, use partner to help)
if able to handstand walk then do holds if able to hold then practice walk if neither we are getting comfortable upside down
Accesory work:
One legged Barbell hip thrust                           Superset 5×5 each way
Pendlay rows
2012 Regionals Event 2
15 min cap (scale weight as needed should be no more than 85% of 1rm)
Row 2000 Meters
50 Pistols (alternating legs)
30 Hang Clean and jerks 225/135