Aridyne or Assault bike
45 on 45 off 5 rounds
10×1 working up
power clean x 2 (does not have to be tng but hands must stay on bar)
+ 2 Shoulder to OH any way work up
Snatch grip dead Lift 
5×3 working up (all)
Traditional dead lift:
5×2 Get heavy (all)
Back Rack walking lunges:
5×10 steps (5 each leg working up)
Not for time:
5 Rounds Pick numbers and skill that works for you:
Muscle ups (weighted is scale up option-if can do ones do ones take longer)
Scale down: If have strict pull up +10 and ring dips banded transitions
Strict HSPU (scale up is deficit using plates 3.5 inch or 1 45lb bumper)
Scale down add abmats or wall walks