Prototype Training Systems (CrossFit Prototype) – CrossFit


-10 Good mornings

-10 tempo air squats

-10 shoulder taps

Active hamstring

Walk the dog + pike pass through

Hip opener

Spiderman complex w/ hip lift

Inchworm w/ push up

Lateral lunge w/ shoulder flexion

4 point squat

Band pull-aparts

Band pass throughs


Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks (7×1)

*use whatever jerk variation you prefer w/Split or Push jerk

*Aim to Build to 90% of your Jerk

*record heaviest weight


Kim Possible (4 Rounds for time)


20 WBS 20/14#

8 Hang Power Clean 115/75# (RX+135/95#)

20 Abmat Sit up

Accessory strength

1A: Half Kneeling single arm DB/KB Press (3×10 each side)

1B: Shoulder Taps (3×10 each side (pause at the shoulder each rep))