TJ and I finished second this past weekend beat some top guys in the NE.

TJ and I finished second this past weekend beat some top guys in the NE.


1mile 90% intensity

rest 1-1

800 90%

rest 1-1


rest 1-1



1 rm test power snatch

Banded rdl

7×3 at 60-65% plus band tension (red or blue)


Gymnastic test:

Max effort strict or deficit strict hspu

(if you can do strict then try to do some deficit and record, parraletts is standard deficit.


“Pennies” Test from Misfit Athletics:

6 squat clean (225,135)

6 mu

run 400 m

6 squat clean (225,135)

6 mu

run 400 m


6 squat clean (225,135)

6 mu

run 400 m

6 squat clean (225,135)

6 mu