Prototype Training Systems (CrossFit Prototype) – Prototype Thrive

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What you need:

Wall Ball

2x Kettlebell

Assault bike

-30 Jumping jacks

-20 kangaroos

-20 high knees

-10 up downs

-Walk the dog

-samson stretch

-Spiderman complex


-lateral lunge w/ shoulder flexion

Specific Prep

*Coach’s Choice


Harmonica (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

24 minute amrap w/a partner:

60 Wall ball shots (10,9) (20,14)

400ft Farmers carry (70,53)

10 Wall Walk

30 cal assault bike
Alternate Options:

Wall Ball Shots?

-BB/DB/KB/Odd object thruster

Farmers Carry?

-Odd object Carry

Wall Walk?

-Hand release pushups

Assault Bike?

-:30 Mountain Climbers +:30 Jumping Jacks

Cool Down

*Coach’s Choice