Developing Young Leaders: Brilliance in the Basics

Mike Collette • Sep 16, 2024

Developing Young Leaders: Brilliance in the Basics

Week 6: How to Build a Strong Foundation of habits as we take on more

This week, our lesson focused on "Brilliance in the Basics" and how building a strong foundation sets the stage for tackling bigger challenges. We took a deep dive into the importance of mastering fundamental skills by testing each student’s One-Rep Max in key lifts: the back squat, deadlift, and bench press.

The students have been working diligently on these movements for some time. They started with the basics, progressively advanced their technique, and recently tested their One-Rep Max. The big takeaway for them was that all the effort spent perfecting these foundational movements led to personal records and significant progress.

However, the lesson extended beyond strength training. We emphasized that the principles of building a strong foundation apply to every area of life. Whether it’s in academics, sports, or other challenges, investing time in mastering basic skills creates a solid base for tackling more complex tasks. The dedication to perfecting these fundamentals equips them to handle greater challenges with confidence and success.


An important aspect of this lesson was understanding that consistency is key. You can't afford to let up or allow the basics to slip, as doing so can undermine your progress. If you start neglecting the fundamentals, the whole structure can crumble beneath you. Maintaining focus and continually practicing these basic skills is essential to sustaining growth and achieving long-term success.

To illustrate this, one student shared how practicing the violin consistently is crucial for mastering more complex pieces. Another mentioned how, in soccer, footwork and ball control are fundamental. Without attention to these basics, he struggles with executing advanced moves and making precise passes. 

These examples show that whether in music, sports, or other areas, a strong foundation is vital for taking on more challenging tasks.
We also shared a compelling video with the kids featuring Nick Saban and Georgia's head football coach. In the video, both coaches emphasize to their teams how critical the basics are for achieving team success. This powerful message reinforced our lesson on the importance of focusing on the fundamentals in all areas of life.

Link to video: 

It was a fun week, with the kids hitting a bunch of personal records. It was really cool to see their progress come together, with lots of smiles, high fives, and fist bumps all around.

Previous Blogs

23 Sep, 2024
How to identify when you are preparing for practice vs the game This week, we talked with the kids about performance anxiety—a normal and even helpful response when the stakes are high, like in a big game or competition. Anxiety helps us focus and prepare, but the problem arises when we feel it in everyday situations, like practice or small tasks. This creates unnecessary stress and stops us from taking risks, limiting growth. Giving ourselves space for growth One of the kids shared how they felt anxious every time they had to write, no matter how small the task. Another talked about how practice felt as stressful as a real game because they didn’t want to make mistakes. We discussed how this mindset affects their ability to improve. When we treat practice or small activities like the high-pressure moments, we don’t give ourselves space to learn and grow. Practice in the parking lot before hitting the highway Our analogy for this week was learning how to drive. When you first start driving, you learn in a parking lot, not on the highway. The parking lot is a place to make mistakes, take risks, and build confidence through little wins. As we continue to gather those wins, we eventually feel ready for the highway—the big moments that require all we’ve learned. It’s okay to take risks in the parking lot because that’s where you grow the most, you are driving slower and there really isn't anything to hit. Below are pictures of the Westborough 7th and 8th grade girls' soccer team, with whom we focused on strength, stabilization, agility mobility, along with a lesson on performance anxiety in our Young Leader Development series. Caroline Queenan helped lead the session and shared her own experiences, which provided valuable insights and made the lessons even more relatable and beneficial for the players.
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By Mike Collette 17 Sep, 2024
Combating Entropy for a Healthier, Longer Life: A Holistic Approach to Aging Introduction: The Concept of Entropy in Health Entropy, a concept rooted in thermodynamics, describes the natural movement from order to disorder. In the context of human life and health, entropy represents the gradual decline in physical and mental vitality that occurs as we age. Much like how an untended house collects dust, our bodies and minds naturally degrade if not actively maintained. However, this decline is not inevitable—through intentional, sustained effort, we can combat entropy and extend our healthspan, the period in which we live free from chronic disease and with full vitality. Entropy and Aging: A Natural Process Just as systems in nature tend toward disorder, the human body experiences entropy in the form of aging. Without conscious effort, the aging process brings physical decline, cognitive deterioration, and an increased risk of chronic diseases. However, while we cannot stop aging, we have the power to influence how we age. The real challenge is not just to live longer but to live better by actively engaging in habits that maintain and improve our health. Healthspan vs. Lifespan: The Fight Against Entropy Lifespan refers to the number of years a person lives, while healthspan focuses on the years lived in good health. In many developed countries, the average lifespan is around 77-80 years, but healthspan is significantly shorter, often around 60-63 years. This gap is where entropy does its damage—many people spend the final decades of life battling chronic illnesses and a reduced quality of life. The goal is to compress morbidity, shortening the period of illness before death, allowing for a longer healthspan full of vitality. Intentional Effort: A Proactive Approach to Health The key to resisting entropy is intentional effort, which includes regular exercise, mental fitness, proper nutrition, and recovery practices. But beyond simply following a routine, it's essential to cultivate internal motivation—transforming these habits from obligations into meaningful, enjoyable practices. When health and wellness become part of an individual’s identity, the fight against entropy becomes sustainable. Physical Activity: Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to combat the physical aspects of entropy, improving cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and overall well-being. Mental Fitness: Engaging in challenges that test your comfort zone, learning new skills, or practicing mindfulness can stave off cognitive decline, fighting mental entropy. Nutrition and Recovery: Proper nutrition fuels the body, while recovery techniques, such as adequate sleep and stress management, ensure resilience against both physical and mental wear. The Role of Community: Battling Entropy Together Community is a powerful tool in the fight against entropy. Being part of a group with shared goals and challenges reinforces healthy behaviors and helps sustain motivation. Whether it’s participating in group workouts, sharing healthy meals, or supporting each other in mindfulness practices, a sense of belonging and collective effort can make it easier to maintain good health. Social interaction also has direct benefits for mental health, helping to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and conditions like Alzheimer's disease (Kuiper et al., 2015). Social Connections and Cognitive Health: Strong social networks lower the risk of dementia and other forms of cognitive decline. Research has shown that social isolation increases the risk of dementia by about 50%, underscoring the protective effect of community engagement (Kuiper et al., 2015). Conclusion: Embracing the Fight Against Entropy Entropy, while a natural process, challenges us to take proactive steps to maintain our health and vitality. By focusing on healthspan rather than just lifespan, we can embrace a lifestyle of growth and vitality. Through regular physical activity, mental engagement, supportive communities, and intentional effort, we can significantly slow down the entropy of aging, leading to a more fulfilling, healthier life well into our later years.
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By Mike Collette 16 Sep, 2024
Week 6: How to Build a Strong Foundation of habits as we take on more This week, our lesson focused on "Brilliance in the Basics" and how building a strong foundation sets the stage for tackling bigger challenges. We took a deep dive into the importance of mastering fundamental skills by testing each student’s One-Rep Max in key lifts: the back squat, deadlift, and bench press. The students have been working diligently on these movements for some time. They started with the basics, progressively advanced their technique, and recently tested their One-Rep Max. The big takeaway for them was that all the effort spent perfecting these foundational movements led to personal records and significant progress. However, the lesson extended beyond strength training. We emphasized that the principles of building a strong foundation apply to every area of life. Whether it’s in academics, sports, or other challenges, investing time in mastering basic skills creates a solid base for tackling more complex tasks. The dedication to perfecting these fundamentals equips them to handle greater challenges with confidence and success. Consistency : An important aspect of this lesson was understanding that consistency is key. You can't afford to let up or allow the basics to slip, as doing so can undermine your progress. If you start neglecting the fundamentals, the whole structure can crumble beneath you. Maintaining focus and continually practicing these basic skills is essential to sustaining growth and achieving long-term success. To illustrate this, one student shared how practicing the violin consistently is crucial for mastering more complex pieces. Another mentioned how, in soccer, footwork and ball control are fundamental. Without attention to these basics, he struggles with executing advanced moves and making precise passes. These examples show that whether in music, sports, or other areas, a strong foundation is vital for taking on more challenging tasks. We also shared a compelling video with the kids featuring Nick Saban and Georgia's head football coach. In the video, both coaches emphasize to their teams how critical the basics are for achieving team success. This powerful message reinforced our lesson on the importance of focusing on the fundamentals in all areas of life. Link to video: It was a fun week, with the kids hitting a bunch of personal records. It was really cool to see their progress come together, with lots of smiles, high fives, and fist bumps all around.
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