Thank you for checking out The Community Conversation, brought to you by Prototype Training Systems , home of CrossFit Prototype! This episode of The Community Conversation is a NUTRITION EDITION! Typically, The Community Conversation highlights a different member of the Prototype Community each week and allows them to tell their story, share their life experience, and communicate their perspective on all things fitness. For this episode, we have two of our Prototype Nutrition Coaches dropping some Nutrition knowledge bombs!
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For this nutrition edition of the Community Conversation, Prototype Nutrition Coach Jon Collette and Prototype Nutrition’s Registered Dietitian, Sam Russo will be discussing Is Sugar Bad for You? If you’re looking to learn more about nutrition for yourself or pick up some good eating habit tips, you will want to check this out!
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Jon 0:00
hey welcome into the community conversation brought to you by protect training system home of CrossFit protect seminar back with another nutrition episode to help provide you with some education and strategies to better your nutrition while still having a social life. There’s a lot of misinformation on nutrition, and we aim to provide you with some clarity. So today’s topic that we’re going to be discussing is going to be all about sugar. We’re gonna talk about the good, the bad, and the misunderstood. So we’re gonna start off with an open ended question, Sam.
Sam 0:34
What is what is sugar? Exactly? Sugar. Scientifically, sugar is just three elements put together. Ch O, in a nice little hexagon structure is is really what sugar is made up. But there’s different kinds of sugars. So I guess we’ll touch on the different kinds. And then like where it’s found in food to kind of simplify it probably for everyone. So the three kinds of sugars are monosaccharides, which means it’s just one hexagon shaped together, all it goes saccharides, which is just a handful of those hexagon shapes, chained together, and then polysaccharides, which is a very long chain of all those hexagon shapes stacked together. Um,
so like, if you think about every, like monosaccharide is a Lego like an oligo saccharides, just like a couple stacked on top of each other. And then the polysaccharide is just like a long stack of Legos. And I feel like that’s the easiest way to think about them and like concrete examples that people have reference for.
So those are the three different kinds of sugars. And then within those, there’s like even more subsets of sugars. But I feel like that’s potentially overcomplicating things today, because at its base, like sugar, is just those three elements put together, and we find it pretty much in most of the foods we have.
Whether you’re eating just straight table sugar, like white sugar that you would eat from the bag, the time that you make cookies with, or you’re eating like a potato, they still get broken down into the same exact thing, which is a monosaccharide. And that’s what the body uses for energy. Right? I think when people think about sugar, or you just myself and I think about sugar, you immediately just think about table sugar, just think about like the white sugar. So you said there’s three different types of sugar, and from how you’re describing it, I would assume that they all break down differently in the body based off of how quickly your body is going to absorb that sugar depending on where it’s gonna come from. Correct. Exactly. So like it takes energy to remove one Lego from a big stack of Legos and it takes more energy to break them all up into individual Legos, then it doesn’t just take a part five. So if you’re trying to break down a chain of 20 Legos, and it’s gonna take more time than it does break down chain of five Legos. And so the same thing happens in the body. So if we eat a carbohydrate, which is sugar is carbohydrates, carbohydrates is sugar, they’re like interchangeable, right? It’s different words mean the same thing at their at their core.
So if you’re breaking down a carbohydrate, having a carbohydrate that is a polysaccharide is going to take a little bit more energy from the body to break down. And so it takes longer for the body to break it down. And so we see less of a sugar rush in the blood immediately versus something that doesn’t meet any breaking down.
Jon 3:36
So if you are having 10 grams of sugar from table sugar, 10 grams of sugar in, let’s say 10 grams of carbohydrates coming from broccoli, and then you’re having 10 grams of sugar or carbohydrates coming from a banana. And you just absorb quickly what you’re going to be taking in the same amount of sugar, whether it’s from a vegetable, a starchy car, or a very simple carbs, like sugar itself alone.
Sam 4:07
Jon 4:09
I think that’s where a lot of the scarcity comes from, is that what you basically just subscribed to the glycemic index? So glycemic index, Sam, if you want to touch upon this a little bit, what’s the glycemic index? And I don’t you don’t have to get into the origins of like, Who created glycemic index, but kind of why? Why do we have a glycemic index? And what is it kind of a representation of when it comes to what’s in the foods that you’re taking in?
Sam 4:39
Yeah, so glycemic index is basically an assessment of how quickly like sugar comes into the bloodstream. So like you just said, their right table sugar is going to quickly enter the bloodstream because it doesn’t need to be broken down compared to say broccoli, which is going to have a little bit of a delay time and like a little bit of Slower release. And so glycemic index kind of ranks foods in order of things that are going to hit the bloodstream fastest, versus things that are going to be slower to hit the bloodstream. And a more like moderate spike in blood sugar versus something like table sugar, that’s going to cause it to rise quickly, and then probably come down pretty quickly as well. And the reason we have the glycemic index is pretty much for diabetics. For someone who is a type one diabetic who cannot regulate their blood sugar levels, because their body doesn’t produce insulin. The glycemic index is important in like managing diabetes and figuring out how much insulin they need to introduce into their body and the timing of it. It’s a very, like complicated system, and someone who is diabetic, kind of knows it like the back of their hand. But it’s, it’s a big balance of like, bringing insulin into your body, and then making sure that you’re eating foods that balance out that insulin, because your body’s not correcting on its own, like you have to do that. So it’s good to know what’s happening with the sugars. And that’s why you need to know the glycemic index.
Jon 6:09
Got it can you just kind of give us like a brief definition of like insulin and what exactly insulin is doing in the body to when it comes to blood sugar.
Sam 6:19
So Insulin is a hormone, the pancreas makes insulin. And so what insulin does is it works to regulate your basically your blood sugar in your bloodstream. It makes it so that you don’t have crazy spikes, it makes it so that you don’t have crazy lows, it just kind of is the regulator. Now, when the body doesn’t make insulin, that’s what happens with type one diabetics. And so that’s why they need to artificially introduce insulin into their blood system so that their body’s not going too high or too low, in terms of blood sugar is too low is really dangerous and too high is really dangerous. And so we have like a sweet spot that we want our body to be in. And we can see acute spikes, you know, like you can see the blood sugar rise and then come back down the body will make those corrections. It’s like you had talked about a bunch of podcasts ago about like how your body has a thermostat, like there’s homeostasis that the body automatically corrects. But because some people don’t have insulin production in the pancreas, that’s where like the glycaemic or like, glycemic index really comes into play.
Jon 7:20
Got it. So everything you just said sounds like they’re actually good things, having an insulin spike and having understanding of glycemic index in a rough way. Um, so let’s put this into a little bit of like practicality. So if I’m having sugar is going to spike our blood blood sugar levels and require a body to have to work by creating insulin, then is one type of sugar better than the other and, and give us maybe a little bit of context into where, you know, in what cases would having a simpler or a more complex sugar habits place.
Sam 8:09
So probably the best situation to have like, simple sugar, like quick digesting sugar is right around your workout. Yep. So if you have just run a 10 mile race, probably the first thing you want in your body is sugar, because you have used up most of the stores of energy in your body to run an extended period of time. So like a quick digesting sugars there, I’m sure like, we have some members that are like triathletes or an ultra marathoners like they know this experience, like you eat like those Clif Bar shoes, or you have the new energies, or like I even have friends that just like eat jelly beans, so racing, the simpler the sugar, the better because you want the body to do less work if you’re doing extended periods of exercise. But you also want to if you’ve just done a really hard workout, for example, well, this will be released at least next week. So the one we did today, which is really last Wednesday, right? It’s like 12 calories on the soil, like in a row really gets to some people. And so having a workout like that where your body is just like at its breaking point, getting a quick digesting carbohydrate. Really basically just straight sugar into your body is really good for making sure that you don’t get dizzy, you don’t fall over, you don’t become Luzi, like any of those things that can happen when your blood sugar drops.
Jon 9:30
Right, got it. Um, so if I didn’t do a workout, and I wanted to have let’s say, an ice cream cone, am I going to gain a bunch of weight? Or am I going to get sick? Am I going to have like too big of a blood sugar crash and die? Like, can you maybe talk a little bit about how like what happens when we have some of those things and what does your body do to just kind of reregulate
Sam 9:57
for sure I’ll start this one off and then I know you probably have some Some thoughts and opinions on this one as well. So when you just want an ice cream cone, um, interesting thing about that is it’s not, it’s not just sugars, like, it’s not just carbs and a lot of the foods that we crave and that we want. And so a lot of times when people are like, Oh, I don’t want this treat, because it’s whatever they say is, quote unquote bad, right? doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to gain weight because there’s sugar in it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to gain weight, because it’s causing a blood sugar spike, what would be causing weight gain is, is probably not the sugar, it’s probably actually like a higher fat content, a higher calorie density, a surplus of calories based on the day, um, you may or may not feel okay, like, if you have no ice cream on a regular basis, and then you have something like that, like, yeah, you’re probably going to feel the effects of the sugar more frequent, or more intensely than someone who has it on a regular basis, just because the introduction of sugar into the body is not something that it’s used to, on a regular basis, right. So like, putting anything into the body that’s new, always causes the body to react differently than it normally does. So having a little bit of ice cream, not post workout, not like intentionally to recover from something is Yeah, gonna cause the blood sugar spike, but again, it has fat in it as well. And so having that extra macronutrient does change the way the body processes it. And I think getting getting into the weeds of exactly what’s going on. my mic is way too long for this podcast. But yeah, just know that, like, you’re not having straight sugar and something like that. So having an additional macronutrient with the sugar does change the way that the body processes it. JOHN, I know you probably have some something to touch on with relation to that. So I want to like turn it over to you. And let you keep going with that question.
Jon 11:55
No, I mean, I think you kind of nailed it is that when you’re looking at anything, I mean, most people don’t grab table sugar, when it comes to when they actually have added sugar, I guess. And we can touch talk about added sugar in a minute. But yeah, like Sam just said, most of time, we’re not grabbing just pure sugar, we’re typically going to grab something that is going to be highly palatable. And it’s going to usually have added fat, it’s usually going to have other things, maybe it’s salt, something else is going to be a combination of ingredients with some sugar, that is usually going to make those things more easier to like over consume. So when we have those things, like Sam just mentioned, if you don’t typically have that type of stuff in your diet, you might feel like you have a really hard time controlling yourself around that type of food. And that might be not necessarily because you don’t typically have sugar, it might be because the association that you have that type of food choice, so that food choice to you is a forbidden fruit and you have it then maybe we have a really hard time controlling ourselves because we got to get it out of our system type of thing. I feel like that’s like also like an association of anything else. It’s usually anything that you feel like you can’t have, if you have if you have a little bit of it, then you want to kind of have more of it. Because one, it tastes good, too, because you can’t go ahead and do it again tomorrow. And maybe that’s why some of us might struggle with having a little bit more of that. Um, Sam added sugar versus natural sugar is, is added sugar worse for health than natural sugar? Or is natural sugar in a better sense better?
Sam 13:48
If that’s a loaded question, um, but by and large, like we talked about, really, if you’re having an apple, it’s still broken down into a monosaccharide. And the body is still processing it almost identically to how it processes something that comes into your body already as a monosaccharide. Right. Glucose is what everybody hears about. fructose is like the big buzzword of like high fructose corn syrup. Like the body’s still uses these sugars, whether they’re natural as in like they come from fruits and vegetables or their table sugar to do the same thing, which is uses it for energy. Too much sugar in any capacity is never good. Just like too much of anything is never good. Um, there’s definitely situations where you have an option. Let me think of an example. A soda versus like an apple, right, like at their core, they’re still sugar, but there’s definitely more stuff added to that soda that’s not going to be good for you or you Your body by comparison of an apple, right? Like sometimes you’ll crave a soda and you have a soda. And that’s like, but the apple also gives you micronutrients. There’s vitamins, there’s minerals, there’s fiber, there’s water content there that like not just sugar is in something like that. So, yeah, there are things that contains sugar that are going to be better for the body in the long run, right? You cannot sustain life off of just drinking soda, 24. Seven, that would be bad for your body bad for your team. But you also can’t sustain life on eating just apples all the time, because it’s severely lacking in other macronutrients. So I don’t know if I fully answered your question.
Jon 15:43
No, you did. I think what you’re saying is that, when you have something like an apple, because of the fiber that comes along with it, and the vitamins and minerals, you’re getting a little bit more bang for your buck, when it comes to calorie for calorie, if you were to have 100 calories of Mountain Dew versus 100 calorie Apple, you know that Mountain Dew may not hold you over very long, and it may sensitive, it is mostly just sugar without having any of those other things that slow down the absorption rate of that sugar and the digestion, then you’re probably going to have more energy fluctuations with that Mountain Dew probably going to feel a little bit more sleepy and tired. But if you compare both of them, you know, you’re you’re having the same thing in a sense, it’s just one is probably going to impact your energy and gonna have some spikes in that blood glucose. But unless you’re a diabetic, it’s it’s okay to have from time to time, but it’s probably not something that you want to have all the time, just for the simple fact that if you’re someone that it’s a regular soda drinker, it’s probably a lot of wasted calories. And that’s more of an association with just overconsumption of calories. Over time, that leads to insulin sensitivity and weight gain and things like that, because we’re having too much of something versus if we were to just kind of put that all in isolation, if your diet as a whole was, you know, pretty balanced and you had a mountain dew, it’s not going to make you unhealthy. Just like if you had a diet that was filled with, you know, candy bars and Snickers and then you had an apple, it’s not that Apple is not any better for you anymore than it’s the diet as a whole. Hang Sam is just, you’re probably more often than not going to want to make the choice of having something that is going to make you feel satiated after your meal versus, you know, maybe continuing to feel hungry afterwards. You guys you got to put like context into why you’re making the choice. If you’re having a mountain dew because I’m having Mountain Dew in a while and you really want it you want a little bit of caffeine cool. If you’re hungry, and you’re like I’m gonna have a mountain dew to satisfy me and hold me over, it’s probably not the greatest choice is probably gonna, you know, not make you it’s probably gonna make you hungrier just because it’s so sweet and it’s good. And you’re absolutely like your body wants calories.
Sam 18:09
Nice sugar bad for your job.
Jon 18:13
If you’re diabetic, like you said, I don’t think sugar is bad for you. I think it’s totally necessary. We were just joking when Sam mentioned that workout earlier, we’re seeing right before we logged on to this podcast that I did that workout this morning. I was like, I hit that assault bike, like as hard as I could. And I felt like after the workout like I was like, oh man, like I felt like pretty like depleted. Like I felt like a little bit of drained. But the only thing that I brought with me was a Gatorade zero, which doesn’t have any sugar has zero sugar doesn’t have any carbohydrates in it. And that’s exactly what my body needed. So it helped me hydrate which is great, but it didn’t. If it had a little bit of sugar, it actually would have been the better choice in that scenario. But by our drinking Gatorade with sugar in it as a like a, you know, this is how I hydrate and that’s not the best choice because now I’m gonna be taking a lot of extra sugar. When you know really the the purpose of that would be to hydrate not to, you know, consume consume calories. So it’s kind of like context dependent on you know, how you look at things.
Sam 19:23
Jon 19:24
Jay assume that it’s probably always a good idea when someone asks you the question of is that, you know, is this thing good for me or is this thing bad for me or someone says that is bad for you say well, compared to what, you know, if we if we always put like context behind it or you know, when is it bad for you? What’s bad for you anytime it’s well, that’s, that’s just like, not true. We just we just told you how it’s not bad for you in certain scenarios to have, you know, a very quick, easy sugar. When, if you were to go ahead and do a workout like Sam said, you were to Have a salad, that’s probably not gonna be the best choice. Let’s be honest, no one’s gonna feel good having a salad, you’re not going to have the best energy, it’s going to fill your stomach up. So the context of that would be no, the salad is not a good choice, you’re going to feel better having like a, like a small bowl of cereal, like something that you’re going to just digest quickly within a half hour, and then be able to, you know, perform. Yeah, and things don’t have sugar in them are still going to break down the sugar if they are a carbohydrate. So sugar bad, that would be saying it’s fruits and vegetables bad. I don’t, there’s actually people that now do you say them?
Sam 20:38
To me all the time you shouldn’t have through your dietician, Don’t you know that? I’m like, Why? Why should I have fruit? And the answer they always give me is there’s too much sugar in fruit. And I say that’s ridiculous. Fruit is good for you. You should eat should you should eat sugar? You should. This is exactly
Jon 20:56
why we wanted to do this podcast because when someone says something like that, it’s okay. Someone that doesn’t know anything about nutrition is gonna say, okay, like, I don’t know any different. I can’t make a valid argument to that. So yeah, maybe sugars, maybe sugar is bad. Maybe I shouldn’t have fruit, then there’s more and more confusion to what the hell we put in our mouths on a daily basis. Yeah. And then it was so much harder to be consistent with our nutrition when everything that we at one point that was either good for us or bad from us is putting in a documentary The next day saying that it’s, you know, it’s, it’s gonna cause a disease when it’s, you know, it’s really hard to just make these like, you know, just put things out there as like, this is bad for you, you have like, at least to find what is bad like, is this gonna it’s gonna give you diabetes? Well, what if I have a bite of chocolate? Is that gonna give me diabetes? No. Okay, so what’s the dosage that you’re talking about? And, you know, you can go down a whole rabbit hole of get worked up over here.
Sam 22:00
You are, because this is the stuff I think that like, we pride ourselves on like being nutrition experts in like, we are very science based when it comes to nutrition recommendations. And there’s just so many people out there that see something once or hear something and either misinterpret it or don’t look into the science behind it. And then misinformation gets spread. And then we spend more of our time combating misinformation, then providing nutrition education, it feels like, because there is so much misinformation out there. And sometimes it’s like, not no mal intent. Like when I was working in the nursing home, we did it like I heard this story about how the, you know, when people are in nursing homes, exercise goes down and weight gain is an issue. It leads to bed sores, it leads to a whole bunch of other health issues. So like for the people in the nursing home, like we don’t want to see weight gain, we do weight checks a lot. Um, and the dietician there with her told me that she had done a presentation on like, them choosing angel food cake over pound cake, because angel food cake was gonna be better for them in the long run, just because it was like lower calorie. And then the ladies went and told their families that angel food cake is so good, and they should eat it every day. Right? And so there’s like, sometimes it’s like not, not meant to be like spread of misinformation. It’s just that like, people take the wrong message out of things. And so we spent a lot of time going over that and changing the misinformation and like providing the actual nutrition information for anyone wondering you can angel food and pound cake, but there’s still cake at the end of the day. pound cake just has a pound of butter in it. Versus angel food cake, which doesn’t.
Jon 23:43
You know, you just remind me I mean, it is so easy to go ahead and just like spew mis information just by like just making things sound just somewhat believable. Have you ever heard of the man show with jank and well, it was like the first thing he was on before he ever had his Uh huh. It’s probably like a 15 or 20 year old show. Anyways, him and I forgot what the other guy’s name was like Adam something anyways, they go to the mall and they set up a they set up a Stan it’s just like a chocolate stand. And they like advertise it as a weight loss food. And they got all these people to believe that like eating, eating chocolate was gonna help them it was called the chocolate diet and they got all these people to like, you know, even do like little bits where it’s like it really works and they there their whole pitch was like if you eat the chocolate, your mouse gonna have to go ahead and really get a good word. By chewing on by chewing on this, you know this hard chocolate and because it is so sugary and condensed with calories that your body’s gonna have to work so hard to burn those calories. So it’s actually gonna you’re gonna burn off more calories than you put into your body so they just like made it It sounds so ridiculously dumb that some people actually were like, I’m in And I mean, it just reminded me that because you just said, like, they may look at this, this cake as being good for you, when you know, you’re just you’re just like, You’re, you’re labeling one food in itself. And it’s like, okay, but like, there’s no magic pill, like, we know that there’s no magic pill, if there was like, we’d all probably, you know, be everyone, whoever comes up with that pill is going to be a millionaire. And everyone just puts out a puts out either a little book on something with, you know, not just most of it is going to be like very biased towards their beliefs, where it’s gonna be very loosely based on scientific evidence. And if there is scientific evidence, it’s usually not going to be, you know, very accurately measured, a lot of times, they’re small studies that people might sample and they might be on like rats, or might be on something like this, where they give a rat, you know, 10,000 grams of sugar, and then you see that it, you know, it had these blood sugar issues, and it was all makes sense that you gave, you know, a little tiny small animal like 100 times the amount of something that it should have. And then you’d write a study on what the results were, like, those things are good in the sense that you can see that if you have like an excessive amount of something that it can be toxic, but that’s where we go ahead and we kind of get confused on Okay, you know, this ingredient that’s in an apple is toxic, but no one’s dying from eating apple. So it’s like, it’s just like, having to, you know, knowing who to listen to, and also knowing how to be able to be more of a critical thinker. I think that’s the thing that most people struggle with most is being able to critically think they hear something, this cause cancer, oh, my God, I can’t have this anymore. And there’s no like, you know, further investigation or you search for what the result is you’re looking for, versus, you know, trying to find an overwhelming amount of evidence that is actually going to be a fact. And that’s where I feel like a lot of the misinformation comes from as you hear something. So you search is, is turkey going to give me cancer, Turkey is going to give you cancer, this is why and then it’s like a whole big, like, big thing where it’s really, I mean, the only reason I said that is because deli meat if you have a little bit if you have if you have turkey deli meat.
It has an association with colon cancer, I’m using this as an example because this is very like specific thing. Um, we all have a, a, what am I looking for, we all have the, we can all possibly get colon cancer. Having this having turkey deli meat can increase your odds of getting colon cancer by like 00. Point, two, five. So you have less than a 1% chance relative that what you already have of getting colon cancer. So is it the best thing to put into your body, it’s been shown that it’s not, it’s not the best thing. But if you have it from time to time, it’s not probably going to be that detrimental to your health. But if you hear that one thing of this can lead to a disease where you don’t really understand, like, the full story. It can be scary, and then it’s okay. I don’t I don’t want to have that anymore. I don’t want to have sugar anymore. I don’t want to have this I don’t wanna have eggs. I don’t, you know, maybe I’ll just start smoking cigarettes. I heard it I actually heard it’s good for me now. Like, like, it’s so hard to go ahead and like no, like, you know, where the winds blowing, um, that, you know, this is why like, you know, it’s probably not a good idea to just listen to one store one person, like, even while we say like, don’t take our word for every little thing, go listen to other people. And try not to listen to someone that says that, that this is a definite or this is a, you know, um, you know, an absolute like, you always want to listen to people that have like in, you know, that kind of put context behind what they’re talking about. When it comes to anything, if you listen to or watch a documentary, and it’s about you know how something is bad for you, you can assume that that’s not going to be giving you you know, all you know, the pros and cons anymore, it’s just going to give you all of their bias. And then you leave the documentary like okay, cutting all that out of my diet. And then there’s just one more thing to be confused about. Anyways.
Sam 29:58
Like if you just see a headline of like this will kill you. That’s scary. It’s probably not true.
Jon 30:05
This is toxic. Like, yeah.
Sam 30:10
Yeah, no, anytime that you see that, like this will increase your risk of this by X percent. Well what was what was the percentage it was at before, you know, like increasing by 10%, when you’re already at 90% brings you to 100% chance of something happening increasing by 10% when the original chances 1% is not as significant, you know, so if things are random away to sell you things to get you to drastically change your habits where a lot of times, the science shows something completely different. And if you read into it, it’s not just a headline, there’s more to the claim. And that’s, that’s what we’re trying to get at of like, is sugar bad for you? Well, no, despite probably seeing a headline a time or two or 10, that sugar is the worst thing that you can have in your diet.
Jon 31:06
Sam 31:09
now, so on so many tangents about all of this.
Jon 31:14
Now 100% agree. Um, yeah, so I guess best thing for us to do is to summarize what we talked about,
Sam 31:24
yeah, john, go ahead and summarize everything.
Jon 31:26
Alright, so to summarize sugar, when you intake it, whether it is from table sugar, or it is from a fruit or vegetable is going to in the process of the process of your body digesting it is going to break down, your body’s going to break down carbohydrates into sugar, which your body is going to use for energy. So having something that is, you know, mostly just sugar and having something that is a little bit more complex, you’re probably going to have a different rate of digestion, which also is associated with not feeling as hungry as fast and probably not having as big of a spike in your, in your, your energy throughout the day. So how we use those things, if you are running a marathon, you’re gonna want to have pretty much the most simplest thing, you know, Gatorade goo, you’re gonna want to have that type of stuff, because that is very quickly absorbed sugar. So the context dependent on when you take in certain things is important. And when we have things that are that have added sugar and other ingredients, and we also want to take into account the total calorie content of that and how that can accumulate, if that is a staple of our diet is having that over, over time, that, you know, the sugar itself is probably not the issue, it’s probably more of how many calories you’re having in a single setting that is probably not going to be ideal if we have specific goals. Um, and there’s really no need to be overly fearful of sugar, it’s more of probably just having a healthier lifestyle in general, will lead to probably not having too much of a good balance of having wholesome foods and having some of those processed foods that do make our lives a bit more enjoyable. Um, anything to add, Tim,
Sam 33:38
I think you touched on everything. I don’t have anything else to add, do you now Well, God, yeah.
Jon 33:46
You want to say on this one?
Unknown Speaker 33:49
Jon 33:50
I said I think I said everything. I wanted to mention this one, but we’re getting, we’re getting the last time we talked about sugar. So
Sam 33:59
yeah, now we will probably bring it up all the time. Because it comes up a lot. And I’m sure a lot of people still have lots of questions. And yeah, there’s there’s so much science going on behind the scenes. But at its core, sugar does good things in the body. Too much of anything
Jon 34:18
is never good. But you need a balance. So everything in moderation is my I guess you could say too little of anything isn’t good either. Too little amounts of sugar is not good. Not a good thing either. So, if someone says sugars bad, then you also want to, you know, take that into consideration too that we need some of that
Sam 34:39
120 grams per day. 120
Yeah, that’s like the the brains need. Really.
Jon 34:48
I did not know that. Yeah, seems like a lot.
Sam 34:52
But we need we need carbs.
Jon 34:55
Um, and I’m sure your body’s like storing sugar, too. Like, um, in the form of glycogen in your muscles and liver, so it’s probably using some of that as well. Yeah. Yeah. Um, cool. So Samuel, you want to exit us out?
Sam 35:12
Sure. Um, so as always, thank you for making this far. If you have questions or concerns or have any other ideas for future topics, please reach out to us. We are more than happy to sit down with you for a free nutrition consultation. If that’s of interest reach out to john or myself. And with that, we hope you have a wonderful day and we will see you soon!
The post Ep 35: The Community Conversation Nutrition Edition – Is Sugar Bad for You? appeared first on Prototype Training Systems.
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