Thank you for checking out The Community Conversation, brought to you by Prototype Training Systems , home of CrossFit Prototype! This episode of The Community Conversation is a NUTRITION EDITION! Typically, The Community Conversation highlights a different member of the Prototype Community each week and allows them to tell their story, share their life experience, and communicate their perspective on all things fitness. For this episode, we have two of our Prototype Nutrition Coaches dropping some Nutrition knowledge bombs!
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For this nutrition edition of the Community Conversation, Prototype Nutrition Coach Jon Collette and Prototype Nutrition’s Registered Dietitian, Sam Russo will be discussing Cheat Days . If you’re looking to learn more about nutrition for yourself or pick up some good eating habit tips, you will want to check this out!
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Jon 0:01
Thank you for tuning in to the community conversation brought to you by a prototype Training Systems home of CrossFit prototype seminar back with another nutrition episode to help provide you with some education and strategies to better your nutrition while still enjoying your social life. There’s a lot of misinformation out there on nutrition, and we aim to give you some clarity. This week, we wanted to talk about g days, very excited about the ideas of G days what a cheat day is and what we think of them. So Sam, how would you define cheat day?
Sam 0:41
So I think a cheat day is like classified as a day of eating what you normally would not. So something that’s like overly indulgent or maybe more calorie dense or maybe not as balanced in terms of macros, but eating food and probably drinking is included in this that like, doesn’t fit into your normal day to day nutrition plan. Is that how you would classify it, john?
Jon 1:07
Yeah, pretty pretty spot on. So did you ever? Do you have cheat days currently, Sam?
Sam 1:15
I don’t I also don’t follow a diet plan. I am a big proponent of eat what you want everything in moderation. So no, I don’t have cheat days because I don’t ever restrict like what I eat during the week. Nothing is on the table. Have you ever? Have I ever? That’s a good question I did, which I know we have talked about as like a potential future topic I did when I was going through my dietetic internship have like two weeks spans where the other interns and I ate like specific diets for two weeks, and it was terrible, and I hated it. So I would kind of say that the day after all of those two week intervals was like a cheat day. But it was just like going back to my normal eating. So no, I don’t think I’ve ever had like a cheat day lifestyle. But I have always grown up and like always been consistent in like, I eat what I want. And that includes like cakes and cookies and cupcakes every single day of my life. And so nothing is off the table for me. How are you?
Jon 2:15
I’m I’m a little different than you. I definitely had cheat. Lee have cheat days, ideas where I eat more calories, but so I’ll give you my little story of kind of like my dieting history. I used to follow like a paleo diet. If you’re not familiar with what the Paleo Diet is paleo diet is essentially the caveman diet. You eat meat, you can eat fruits and vegetables, you can eat nuts and seeds you can eat, you know, essentially anything that’s not processed, or some things on there that aren’t allowed, like white potato versus sweet potato. I don’t remember why that’s not allowed on there. You can’t have bread that so no flour, no dairy, no, anything pre package, no added sugar of most, say basically just Whole Foods, which in the context of that is probably how most of us should eat the majority of our diet, you should be pretty well, you know, should have some high quality protein, you should have fruits and vegetables in your diet, you should probably minimize processed food. But beam of labeling, okay, this is what I’m allowed to have. And this is what I’m not allowed to have, I had to go ahead and you know, have a designated time where I was actually able to eat that stuff. So that would typically be a Saturday, I would, I would go ahead on a Saturday, and I would I would eat no paleo, I would go the total opposite direction. I mean, I probably probably still eat meat and stuff like that. But um, I would eat like pop tarts for breakfast, I would have candy as much as I possibly could go ahead and fit into my day or that I wanted to have I would probably get takeout for lunch, you’d be like something like McDonald’s or like Burger King just like really gross food that I don’t even have in my diet now where I have like that freedom to have whatever I want. But I would basically eat as much shit as I possibly could. And I would make sure that I had like a nice big dessert and that didn’t have a porcelain menu there. And I don’t want to eat to the point of not feeling good. Like I feel like sick to my stomach, essentially trying to get it out of my system. Because I knew the next day I wasn’t able to do that again. If you go back to the plan, which was none of, you know, none of the things that I like to have now in moderation. But I wasn’t allowed to have them at all. So I’m like, Okay, well, if I can’t have a bagel, then I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to make sure that I make the best of that when I have it. And it would just be like the other extreme. So actually terrible? Well, I felt it was like, it felt like a like, okay, like, this is my only opportunity, my only opportunity to go ahead and enjoy these foods because of the rules that I that type of diet regimen. And I really like having bread. It’s like something that I have now on a daily basis. I have like love having bagels, and I love having like, like, like a sandwich occasionally. But because I wasn’t allowed to have those things that was alright, I gotta go ahead and just have as much whatever as possible. And yeah, did not feel good.
Sam 5:58
How did that work? Like with your goals? Like, did you have like, training goals? And like, how did that diet cheat day cycle, work along those goals.
Jon 6:10
So it wasn’t along the lines of a goal it was I thought that I had to eat strictly paleo to be healthy, and that there’s no way that I could go my entire life without having some of those other things. So it’s just like the day of the week that I could go ahead and get it out of my system. I wouldn’t like I wasn’t thinking in the mindset of Okay, like, I’m going to eat more calories, eat more calories as I’m going to eat the foods I’m not allowed to eat. That’s kind of like how I approached it. But what ended up happening is that when I did that is I had these hard rules where I couldn’t have this. Most days, and this is the only day that I can have it. If let’s say on a Wednesday, I had one thing that wasn’t allowed in that list that would turn into a cheat day. Because those rules that I set out on my diet was you’re either strict paleo or you’re not. And then it was okay, well, since I had a piece of bread, then I might as well go ahead and have some candy. And as well go ahead and have that, you know, I might as well run the Dunkin Donuts and get a coffee colada, like stuff that I don’t normally have. But I would do it because it’s like, Alright, well, today’s ruined, so I might as well make the best of it. And it was distorted eating was like a bad relationship with food it was you can have this sometimes you have to have this at all times. And then if I didn’t like follow those parameters, it was like, it wasn’t good. There was no balance. It was like it was either, Your Honor, you’re off your diet.
Sam 7:41
Yeah, so maybe a personal question. But how did you break out of that cycle? How did you change from like, paleo strictly during the week, and then cheat day on the weekend or maybe a Wednesday into like, what you are eating now because you don’t now eat with cheat days, correct?
Jon 8:00
No. cheat days. Now I make everything kind of work with what I want, I have things that I would consider that I would wouldn’t consider the most nutritious or healthiest things that you could that you could have on a regular basis. But because I allow those things in my diet, I don’t, I don’t feel the need to go to the extreme. I mean, what works for me, which may not work for other people is that I started monitoring how much like I was actually eating, like I kind of looked at my nutrition as like a budget, it’s like Alright, so if I have, you know, if I have like, fruits and vegetables in my diet, and I have lean protein, I hit my hit my protein targets, then there’s a little bit of room to have, like, you know, like an ice cream sandwich or something like that, if I want to have that or you know, a bagel cream cheese if I want it, I kind of looked at it as like a budget that worked for me because it was like cool. I know that I’m having a lot of quality food in my diet because I have it like listed out. Um, but I also know that when I am having like an ice cream cone or whatever, that it’s not going to go to my calorie budget but I started like being very like strict with when I was when I first you know learned about like, tracking macros and stuff like that. I don’t think I really even knew exactly like what the you know, like why it was important to have that much protein or anything like that. It was just okay, like, here’s kind of like what you can have. And I made that kind of fit into like a budget but now I kind of I go a little bit I still track my food but the weekends are like probably a little bit more intuitive, but they’re definitely not like cheat day. Mine’s like if I have two beers like doesn’t mean I’m gonna go ahead and like slam a bag of candy. like I did before it’s kind of a I guess it became a gradual thing. It definitely like the education was huge. And then the habits along the way of like okay like figuring out like what worked best for me and what made me feel good versus You know, eating something that wasn’t, that didn’t make me feel satisfied after a meal, but still trying to keep it in my calorie budget, then I learned like, okay, like, you can’t just fill your diet with junk food just to go ahead and hit your macros, like you have to, you know, for your health and just so you, you know, feel your best, like, you need to have quality food in your diet. So I guess for me, it was like, education, but also just like habits and figuring out like what works best for me. And then I made fruits and vegetables like a huge priority. It’s like, have that with every meal. That was like a habit that that started with. Yeah, just like prioritizing that, like you’re gonna have, like, if you’re gonna have some of these things, your diet, like we’re gonna have, like a big goal, which, you know, may not be, it may be a little bit higher calories and having, you know, a freakin watermelon. But I want to have that sometimes. And, um, you know, I made sure that I still prioritize the quality, nutritious foods. So one day answer your question, surely it was kind of a gradual thing.
Sam 11:09
Yeah. Well, that makes sense, too. It’s like you, you found something that helps you kind of like get rid of like food is good versus bad. And totally change your mindset on that. And for you that was tracking macros to realize that like, Oh, this ice cream has some fat and some carbs and some protein in it. So it actually fits into my my day. Like the goals I’m trying to hit. So yeah, like changing the mindset, finding a habit that worked for you, and then just continuing to build on that, as you learn more is, I think, a great way to kind of get out of that cycle. Because TJ is like, I guess they work for some people, like, TJ is work for some people. Brian has cheat days in his life, and he loves it. And that’s worked for him for what 20 years. Like, it worked for some people. But by and large, I think for a lot of people, it absolutely does not work for the same reason. You said like, if you do something that doesn’t fit into the diet on a Wednesday, then it’s like, oh, well, Wednesday is a cheat day to or last Saturday, I had all of this food, but like this week, I want to go bigger. And so I want to have more. And if you’re someone who’s like trying to gain or lose weight, or build muscle or do anything that’s like specific in terms of goals, having a cheat day where you’re not tracking or not eating what makes you feel good. takes you away from those goals.
Jon 12:33
Yeah, totally. I mean, a lot of people don’t know either. Like when I was like 1112 years old, I was like almost 200 pounds, like my doctor said I was going to be I was pre diabetic when I was younger. So that was like the other extreme of I have no education on nutrition. And every day is just eat whatever I wanted. And what I wanted was pasta for breakfast, which was weird, but I did I had pasta for breakfast all the time. I wanted peanut butter sandwiches like for snacks you ever have like the Nutter butters? Are you like three of those in a sitting? I have. I had like five mountain dews at a time. It was the other extreme of Okay, this isn’t a cheat day mindset. This is a bad habit mindset. And that’s where it’s like, kind of like got it blending the two together of like, you have to like, you have to like you have to prioritize quality food. Like there’s no like, there’s no doubt about it. Like you have to call prioritize quality food. And if you don’t, you’re probably going to turn out like me who was pre diabetic, like you didn’t know any better. I was like, Oh, really? What’s that mean? He’s like, oh, you’re gonna get put on medication. I’m like, oh, that doesn’t sound fun at all, I should probably start eating better. And then when you go ahead and you know, think that okay, well, these are all the things that made me unhealthy versus like being like, Okay, well, the big picture is that you didn’t have much at all that was actually good for you. You’re the majority of your diet was just processed food that was high in sugar, high in salt and just super palatable. So you know, having to you know, start from that like that. That portion of my genuine starting were like, okay, eating eating vegetables that wasn’t even doing yet. So if someone said you have to drink this much water, eat the vegetables, you have to cut out everything had to go strict paleo, I’d be like, I don’t think I can do that. Right. So and it’s okay, well, how do you go ahead and how do you start eating better if your diet is so far away from what you would think of a standard nutritious diet, and that’s where it’s the habits on the way that have to be developed versus just being like, I’m not going to have these things anymore. And then on Saturday, I’m going to have as much as I can developing and habits and then what we talked about if you slip up, and I’ll say slip up, because you’re gonna put those roles in your diet. Yeah, you’re slipping up on your on what you would consider what your diet is, you’re probably going to do what I did, and you’re just going to turn multiple days into cheat days. So what we think about cheat days is that they can be detrimental to your progress. Because you’re not only going to have a poor relationship with food, your mindset is going to be on how I’m eating is determining how I What am I looking for? It’s like people put moral values on food and how they go ahead and, you know, look at themselves as a person where how you’re eating isn’t. It’s not a it’s not a it’s not a what am what am I trying to say, Sam?
Sam 15:56
I think what you’re trying to get at is that, like, if you eat something that you deem bad, yeah, doesn’t make you a bad person. Yes, first off, food is not good or bad, like food just brings you closer further from your goals, or is more or less nutritious, or like makes you feel better or worse. Yep. And so there should be no moral value on food. And so if you eat something that you deem as bad, you’re ready, like putting labels that don’t need to be there. And then you’re taking that label on an inanimate object and then placing it on yourself. Which like, seems wild to think about if we did it in any other situation, like, we don’t label other things good and bad, like we label food. And then to also then internalize that and say, like, Oh, I’m bad for eating this piece of candy. It’s really hard. It’s like really hard to break out that cycle, too. And so like, that’s why cheat days, kind of, like, make that thought process compound on itself. of, Oh, I had a bad day. And so I’m just going to make it worse. And it like has a huge effect on mood and morale and all those things as well. So yeah, cheat days. not always the best, in our opinion.
Jon 17:15
Yeah, I mean, you probably hear people say all the time, like, I’m gonna get back on track. Like, if they’re out, like with their friends, they’re at a barbecue and they’re like, I’ll get back on track tomorrow. They have four brownies. Okay, like, just have just have like, one, or, you know, have a drink, like you don’t have to have doesn’t have to be, you know, seven, because you had one or two, you know?
Sam 17:43
And if it is seven, it’s seven. Like, yeah, your body probably wanted seven brownies. Like,
Jon 17:51
I also like memories versus like, you know, sometimes you’re gonna like, you’re gonna prioritize memories over, you know, your nutrition, which sometimes it’s fine. Like, at my brother’s wedding, I was, you know, probably had Yeah, I probably had like, six drinks, I ate whatever I wanted. Like, that was a memory that was worth it for me. Um, but like, just thinking, Was I being bad? It’s like, No, I was like, enjoying my brother’s wedding. Like, sometimes like goes and put like our, like, so much like, pressure on ourselves when we are being social, or we are having a good time that, you know, we go to those extremes where we, you know, have to be super strict with their diet. And that’s kind of what you don’t want to do if you want to make long term progress is you have to have to give yourself a little bit of, you know, a little bit of like slack with your nutrition where you can’t be super strict. But you also don’t want to go to the other end to where you’re just like, super. I mean, you just like no rules.
Sam 18:58
Yeah. Or my life is a constant struggle of like, I eat ice cream. And then I wake up in the morning and I feel terrible. Like, I mean, I have no rules about it. I don’t feel bad about eating ice cream. There’s nothing there. But it’s just like, oh, man, like I have a stomach ache. Like, next time, I probably shouldn’t have the entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s, right? Like, it’s a balance. Um, and it’s like, it’s hard to find that balance. I think like, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of messaging, right. And sometimes, like, we’ve been like, in our saying around it, like we probably have preconceived notions about foods too. And like john, your history with food and like my history with food, and like, we already come in with preconceived notions about foods. And so there’s probably times that I’ve been like, Oh, yeah, like, we’ll get right back on track next week, or you know what I mean? Like we say these things all the time and like, so if we’re saying it, I’m sure other people are saying it too. Um, but at the end of the day, if like, we can get to a place where like, nothing is really ever off the table, you’re making choices more often than not Eat something that nutritious and like fulfills you and like helps your body. But also have those times that like, like your brother’s wedding, like you enjoy every moment of the experiences that you’re having. And like food isn’t the thing that you’re thinking about all the time either then you like, live, what’s the saying? Eat to Live live to eat? You know? Yeah, um, like, your life does not need to be centered around food all the time, it can be like, I’m sure a lot of people listening, like love to cook. And so like, the thought of cooking is an exciting thing. But I know, like, food stresses a lot of people out too. And so to like, worry about being perfect all the time. With the diet, like that’s what leads to cheat days. And the more we can avoid that, the better.
Jon 20:54
Yeah, for sure. It mean, we say all the time, or I mean, we say we you probably go so hard all the time is like, just be consistent, consistent does not mean perfection. You know, like, consistent is doing the same things all the time. Can you do what you’re doing every single day for the rest of your life? And if the answer is no, then you need to make some changes. If I you, or I should say like myself who was eating paleo, I couldn’t do that sustainably, it was not something that I enjoyed. And all I ever thought about was I can’t wait till Saturday so I can splurge and eat whatever, because I can’t just have a little bit I have to have, I can only stick to these these food rules. Once those food rules went away, it was okay, now I can have things in moderation because it’s not that I forgot all the quality food that I should be having on that paleo approach. It said having a cup of rice is fine. I don’t want to have a sweet potato every day, I want to have rice sometimes. I want to have like other like, I want to have more variety in my diet. And sometimes having too much of that stuff too, is um, you know, if you’re an athlete and you’re trying to, you’re trying to gain weight gain muscle, eating strictly clean, paleo is miserable, you are full all the time those foods are super filling. So if you need extra calories, because you’re super active, and you want to actually perform in the gym, sometimes you need to have some of those things like white rice versus having a suit or having a sandwich versus having at a money pasta. Like, you know, like,
Sam 22:46
there is a trend. There’s like a thing that we’re seeing a lot in the nutrition world too, that people are deficient in vitamins and minerals, because they’re not having things that are processed and fortified with like diamond and niacin. So it’s like, yeah, sure, like, a piece of white bread doesn’t fall on the Paleo diet. And it’s been demonized by the world. But like, there’s a reason why bread still is in existence. And it’s because it’s fortified with other nutrients that like okay, maybe it doesn’t have as much fiber as like that, like brown rice that you’re eating. But it also has something else that like, helps the body and also it tastes good. So like habit every now and then.
Jon 23:23
Yeah, like, I mean, if we were to just like kind of going to little sidebar here. I mean, if you have if you have sweet potato versus white potato, the only difference is how quickly your body is going to process that and turn it into sugar. Any carbohydrates that you have, whether you’re having broccoli, white bread, sweet potato, or whole grain pasta, it’s all going to break down into the same thing and your body doesn’t see, broccoli doesn’t see white bread, it doesn’t see, you know, oh, it’s a tea is a source of carbohydrates and teaser Ninomiya complex carb or it’s going to be a simple carb. And once your body breaks that down, it’s going to turn into the same thing. So complex carbs are typically going to make you feel full longer, because they’re going to take a longer break down, they have more sugar molecules and a complex carbohydrate than a simple carbohydrate. So if you were to just have mostly simple carbohydrates in your diet, you’re probably just going to eat more than you need, because with things that are hopefully falling, so that’s why it’s well having that balance that if you have a bagel, you know, a white bagel and you have fruits and vegetables in your diet. How much carbohydrates are you having, you know, if you’re having 200 grams of carbohydrates with a mix, or if you’re having 200 grams of carbohydrates of just, you know, paleo or just complex and those types. It’s not going to make a difference on how you’re going to take in different nutrients. But that’s that’s it, you’re going to take in different nutrients and like I said, if you Need more calories? Having all those complex carbohydrates, probably not gonna make your stomach feel good. Why do those things come in fiber too, is you’re gonna end up like having so much fiber, you’re gonna be like, Oh, my, you know, and then you start looking looking at your gut health and you’re like, What’s wrong with me? It’s, well, maybe we are just having too much fiber, you know. And sometimes it’s not. You know, it’s just forcing yourself to have things that your body doesn’t want, that much has too much of anything isn’t good. So having a little bit more of like that, that balance of some of your simple and more complex carbohydrates, and, you know, giving yourself permission to have some of those things that you might, quote unquote think are, you know, bad for you? Because they don’t, there is a process to making them like breath. Give yourself permission to have it, if you feel good, energy feels good. Your health markers are fine. And what’s the what’s the issue?
Sam 25:56
Right? And that’s, that’s, that’s what it boils down to, is have a variety in the diet. Yeah, you enjoy. Choose more nutritious, nutritious options more frequently. But give yourself will not but it’s an end and give yourself permission or leniency or whatever word you want to use to eat things that like maybe aren’t as nutritious.
Jon 26:24
Yeah, just for your own, like just, just sanity, just sustainability. Yes. Like, there’s like a lot of research out there of like, you know, whether you’re if like people that have that balance of their diet is that they stick to it long term. Anyone that does, like, shouldn’t say anyone, but if you do something that’s overly strict, and you can’t adhere to it, it doesn’t matter if you lost 30 pounds in 12 weeks. If you can do that forever, then that’s not a healthy way of eating because you’re
Sam 26:58
20 pounds and 12 weeksis also aggressive. anyone listening?
Jon 27:01
Don’t Don’t try to do that. Yeah. Probably gonna Yeah, I mean, it would probably be muscle, but that’s a whole different conversation. Yeah. Um, but yeah, so cheat days. be weary.
Sam 27:14
Yeah. I’m not a fan of cheat days. I’m not a fan of cheat days. Because the terminology around it, I think, yeah, it’s, like, good or bad. Yeah. Maybe I’ve every day you eat the way you want to eat, choosing nutrition, nutritious options. No Day is a cheat day. Yep, are there some days I wake up, I’m like, oh, man, I wish I had some more vegetables yesterday. There’s some days I wake up, I’m like, my stomach kind of hurts. I probably had too much ice cream. But like, that’s just like, you know, you go with the ads and the flows. And if you allow yourself to enjoy foods every day of the week, then you don’t feel restricted, you don’t feel like you’re put into a box, you don’t feel the need to have a quote unquote, cheat day, or cheat meal. Because I hear some people talk about just like a cheat meal. You just have a more calorie dense meal, you have a more flat dense meal, you know, not cheating.
Jon 28:10
Yeah, it’s just the mindset behind it. You’re right, you’re like, you’re gonna eat more calories from time to time. And sometimes you’re not gonna eat as much because you’re not gonna be hungry. So, you know, versus looking at when you eat more is like being bad or cheating. You know, just look at as you’re just eating a little bit more than you usually do. Doesn’t have to be the extreme. You know, you don’t have to go home after you had a meal that you enjoyed, and then go through the cupboard. And, you know, do 100 slide grades on food, because you’re like, Well, fuck it. Like, I gotta get this out of my system. You didn’t do anything wrong. You just ate a little bit more. Maybe you went to dinner, you know?
Sam 28:47
Yeah. Which is like we could explore so much down this path. Like, the emotional side behind it. And I know like that, that would be probably a three hour conversation. But it really is like there is emotional part of eating, there is a mental part of eating. It’s not just cut and dry. Here’s the science. This is what I should do. Yeah, so yeah, working through that. Definitely hard, but definitely worthwhile. For sure. JOHN, anything else that you can think of that you want to touch on about cheat days, your opinion on cheat days? Anything else? You’ve experienced any other tips and tricks for people to like, kind of get out of that mindset? What do you got?
Jon 29:27
I mean, if you’re someone that currently does cheat, if you have a cheat day now and you kind of have that, you know, that’s I don’t know, maybe that’s in your definition, maybe that’s like in your vocabulary. I mean, you know, I’m having cheat day or I’m having a cheat meal. You know, ask yourself like, what is the rest of my diet look like that I just that I need to have this meal that is, you know, glorified. And if you’re like, you know, well, maybe because I don’t have all these things in my diet. It’s like, Well, why can’t we have some of that stuff in moderation. If you don’t know how, you know, reach out to a coach, like have someone help you. So you can learn how to have that balance in your life where you’re not, you know, being overly strict with your nutrition and doing something that is unsustainable for you in the long run or makes you have to think about food all the time, like you don’t like yeah, better things to do this think about.
Sam 30:25
Now, that’s a good point. I think a lot of people feel like I can’t do moderation, it’s either the light switches either on or off. And definitely the kind of person who enjoys CrossFit is that kind of person, right? Like, the switches on or off, you give it your all or it’s not happening. And that’s fine. That’s a good way to be. That’s probably why so many people that we know and we talked to are so successful in life. But that does not mean to be the mentality around food. Like you can have cookies in the house and not eat the whole batch. You know, like, it’s a it’s a it’s a hard thing to work through. But it’s definitely worthwhile. So I’m glad you brought that up. Because if someone is listening to this, or watching this and is like, Wow, that is me. Yeah, whoever you are, please talk to talk to us. We that is what we are meant to do is help you work through that.
Jon 31:15
Yeah, um, I was at a barbecue last weekend, and someone at the barbecue said that they were going to get surgery because they like to eat the way they want to eat. And they like, like, anyone that says eating in moderation, doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Oh, it’s thought that that was like one of the most interesting things I’ve ever heard that someone would rather have surgery than learn how to have, like a balanced approach to their nutrition.
Sam 31:47
Mmm hmm. We could have a whole nother podcast on that. That can be a whole nother conversation. It’s worth learning. Yeah, and don’t think because you have done this for however many years of your life like it can’t change, right? Like john, you said, like you grew up with a different kind of background of like, like you had a different learn pattern of eating, and the way you’re eating now. And so you made that change personally. So it’s definitely possible to make changes in how you think about food, and how you eat later on in life. Of course, it’s a nice Head Start when you get that from the beginning. But it’s always something that can change. And the biggest thing I have to say is definitely now learning john, all this stuff. I’m sure that when Riley grows up, you’re going to like start this kind of like nutrition foundation for her at a young age. And so she’s going to be set up where she’s like, learning to eat well, she eats things she enjoys. She is okay having ice cream every now and then. And like right, you’re setting up the next generation for success in the nutrition field. Pretty cool. Yeah. That’s awesome. It’s it’s definitely worth making that change. If you are someone who’s like stuck in that rut of like, I need a cheat day because I need like one bad day. Am I right?
Jon 33:13
Yeah, guys, thanks for listening, Sam, let you know tomorrow.
Sam 33:19
All right, I got to work on this and get it all nailed down like you have the intro. But today anybody listening and or watching, thank you for tuning in and staying around this long. We hope you got some useful information out of today. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. You can talk to us directly, probably send a text message us on Facebook or send an email. We would love to sit down and talk with you about nutrition. So if you want to schedule a nutrition concert, you can do that as well. In the meantime, have a wonderful day and we will talk with you soon. Thanks for listening!
The post The Community Conversation Nutrition Edition – Cheat Days appeared first on Prototype Training Systems.
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